Ultrafiltration (UF) is a filtration process similar to reverse osmosis, which uses hydrostatic pressure to force water through a semipermeable membrane. The pore size of the ultrafiltration membrane is usually 0.02-0.005 microns. Ultrafiltration (UF) is a pressure barrier against suspended solids, bacteria, viruses, endotoxins and other pathogens to produce water with very high purity and low silt density.

How it works

Ultrafiltration uses hollow fibers of membrane material and the feed water flows into the shell or fiber lumen. Suspended solids and high molecular weight solutes are retained, while water and low molecular weight solutes pass through the membrane. Ultrafiltration is not fundamentally different from reverse osmosis, microfiltration or nanofiltration, except in terms of the size of the molecules it traps. When strategically combined with other purification technologies in a complete water system, UF is ideal for the removal of colloids, proteins, bacteria, pyrogens, proteins and macromolecules larger than the pore size of the membrane from water.


RO units can produce pure water for different uses and purposes:
* Does not require chemicals (coagulants, flocculants, disinfectants, pH adjustment)
* Size exclusion filtration versus depth filtration of the medium
* Good and consistent quality of the treated water in terms of removal of particles and microbes
* Compactness of the process and of the plant
* Simple automation
* Ecological
* Small footprint

What does ultrafiltration remove?

* Endotoxins
* Plastics
* Protein
* Silica
* Silt
* smog
* Viruses